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Paavana Yaatre

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Paavana Yaatre

New Delhi - Sri Krishna Dham

Amidst the sweltering summer heat of 2023, my mother and I were blessed with an opportunity to go on a soul-stirring pilgrimage alongside a group of devoted seekers, all under the benevolent guidance of Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji of Sri Puttige Mutt. Our 15-day expedition was not just a physical journey, but a profound odyssey into the heart of spirituality. Our journey began at Sri Krishna Dham in bustling New Delhi, a stark contrast to the serene path that lay ahead. Guided by Swamiji’s teachings, we found a guiding light despite the chaos, preparing us for the spiritual revelations awaiting.


Our initial stop was Kurukshetra, the Dharmakshetra of the Mahabharata. We had the opportunity to attend the launch of his initiative of Sri Koti Geeta Lekhana with a sound and light program from the kids of Kurukshetra. The atmosphere was electric as we stood where Lord Krishna imparted wisdom to Arjuna under the ancient banyan tree, a sacred experience amplified by Swamiji’s discourse. Bhishma Kunj and Brahmasarovar came to life, places once read about and imagined.


Next morning , reaching Haridwar, despite the long overnight drive, the divine energy was palpable. The cool embrace of the Ganges waters rejuvenated our spirits, and the evening Ganga Aarti was a spectacle that transcended the physical realm. The hardships we faced seemed insignificant in the face of the awe-inspiring devotion that enveloped us. Also, in Haridwar, some of us had the unique opportunity to visit Sri Patanjali Ashram and meet Sri. Baba Ramdev.


Our journey to Badrinath spanned an entire day, marked by traffic delays and prolonged waiting that tested our patience. However, the atmosphere surrounding Badrinath exuded serenity, enveloping us in a spiritual radiance that outshone the challenges. It was an extraordinary blessing to be in the presence of the Lord at Badrinath, a place accessible only a few months each year and requiring great effort to reach. In a brief discourse, Swamiji illuminated the significance of this place and bestowed upon us a meaningful memento.


Our visit to Mana, the last village before the Indo-Tibetan border, allowed us to bask in the magnificence of the Himalayas. We explored Vyasa Guha and Ganesh Guha, where ancient wisdom was etched into the very rock. The Bhima Kund’s whispered tales of valor, while Vasudhara Falls cascaded in mesmerizing beauty. Notably, in Mana, we also had the unique opportunity to witness the River Saraswati, a river revered in ancient texts but visible only at this sacred site. This place is truly heaven on earth.


After departing from Badrinath, our journey brought us to Rishikesh, where the Ganges River flowed as if from the heavens themselves. The confluence of rivers Bhageerati and Alkananda at Deva Prayaga left an indelible mark on our hearts, serving as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of all divine elements. Our logistics led us back to Haridwar for an overnight stay. Before proceeding to our next destination, Naimisharanya, Swamiji delivered a discourse on the profound significance of the River Ganga and its seven distinct confluences. During this insightful talk, he graciously presented us with small Ganga thalis, symbolizing the importance of the mighty river.


Next, we had yet another long distance journey overnight to Naimisharanya. This place welcomed us on a particularly significant day, as lakhs of people gathered to seek blessings from goddess Lalitadevi. Despite being a small town, the energy was electric due to the bustling crowd. The high heat index challenged us, but our spirits remained undeterred. In Naimisharanya, we had the privilege of taking a holy dip in the renowned Chakrateertha and the sacred River Gomati. Swamiji had a small discourse on Sri Bhagawata at the famous Vyas Gaddi. These acts of devotion and the vibrant atmosphere added to the richness of our spiritual journey, reminding us of the profound connections between faith, community, and nature.


As we arrived in Ayodhya, we had the opportunity to take a dip in River Sarayu, the scorching sun couldn’t deter us from witnessing a historic place. We had the extraordinary chance to observe the ongoing construction of the Ram temple and visited the ancient palace of Lord Ram. The devotion  and determination displayed in this monumental project left a lasting impression, symbolizing the culmination of centuries of faith and reverence.


The spiritual energy in Varanasi was palpable , the energy is in the air; the Kashi Vishwanath temple darshan was a deeply moving experience, connecting us with the divine heritage of the city. As we marveled at the cycles of life and death on Varanasi’s ghats, our journey took us to Bindu Madhava temple, deepening our understanding of devotion. The Pejawar mutt near Assi Ghat offered us the chance to leisurely stroll to the riverbank, providing a convenient opportunity for reflection.

Gaya & Prayagraj

Gaya was a heartfelt tribute to our ancestors. Our journey then led us to Prayagraj, where the convergence of the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and the invisible Saraswati became powerful reflections. Even under the scorching sun, the boat ride to the sangama brought refreshing renewal. Following a brief discourse, Swamiji’s blessings embraced us all.

Mathura & Vrindavan

Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, and Vrindavan, filled with the enchanting tales of the deity, buzzed with crowds and an electric ambiance. Despite the challenges of navigating the bustling streets, enduring the hot sun, and staying at a distant lodge, these obstacles paled in comparison to the overwhelming devotion that surrounded us.

Grateful for the opportunity!

As the journey concluded back in New Delhi, I looked back at the trials and tribulations. The traffic, the heat, the waiting – they were all eclipsed by the spiritual growth and transformation we had undergone. Our modest lodges, the sumptuous mealsprepared by Swamiji’s team, and his teachings were the pillars that supported us through challenges. Gratitude swells within me for the opportunity to embark on this profound journey. Thankful for the blessings of the divine, Swamiji’s wisdom, and the unwavering support of fellow seekers. The challenges we
faced are woven into the fabric of our transformation, a testament to the inner journey we undertook. The Badri Yatre was more than a physical pilgrimage; it was a sacred sojourn that will forever resonate in the depths of my being.


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The main branch of this Matha is in the village by name Puthige. The idol of Vithal with Rukmini and Satyabhama gifted to the first pontiff Shri Upendra Tirtha by the Acharya Madhva is worshipped here. 

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