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Religions for Peace

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The Doyen of World Peace: Shri Sugunedra Theertha Swamiji

His Holiness Sri Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji’s crusade to the west happened almost 11 years ago. It was because of the strong desire and the quest for Madhva philosophy of the members of Cyber Madhva Sangha, which eventually became Vishwa Madhva Sangha, which motivated His Holiness to take this revolutionary step. He became a source of knowledge for some dedicated Madhva devotees. Swamiji’s accessibility to all devotees was easily realized because of the advent of internet and mobile phone. Very quickly Swamiji’s name and fame spread even outside the Madhva circle.

Sometime during the early 1999, an International Multifaith Organization called ‘Religions for Peace’ (formally known as World Conference on Religions for Peace’ -WCRP) invited His Holiness to join the interreligious community and work for World Peace through interfaith peace dialogue. Swamiji was formally introduced to this global platform in November 1999 in Jordan, Amman, where He addressed the 7th World Assembly of Religions for Peace as a senior Hindu Religious Leader. During the same occasion, He was elected to the governing body of Religions for Peace as one of the International Presidents, representing Hindu Community. Thus Swamiji became the ‘Hindu face’ and ‘Hindu Voice’ of Religions for Peace.

Religions for Peace facilitate connection among its affiliates across National, Regional and International levels to foster creative multireligious solutions to challenging problems. From sharing lessons learned between countries to building action alliances among its affiliates, the Religions for Peace demonstrate the unique power of a coordinated global approach. Sharing information and experiences, Conflict transformation, Peace Building through interfaith dialogue and building alliances are some of the key features of Religions for Peace.

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The main branch of this Matha is in the village by name Puthige. The idol of Vithal with Rukmini and Satyabhama gifted to the first pontiff Shri Upendra Tirtha by the Acharya Madhva is worshipped here. 

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